Reporting & Data Collection: Lessons Learned Recommendations from Civil Rights Litigation

Develop and implement a plan to ensure an agency can track the date of officers’ qualifications and require that officers successfully qualify in accordance with state/local firearms regulations.

  • Officers that fail to maintain qualifications for an issued firearm should relinquish that firearm.

Maintain all associated documentation and/or evidence related to force incidents in a database that can be tracked and used to inform force-related practices and training.

Collect and maintain all data and records necessary to evaluate use of force practices and facilitate transparency.

As permitted by law, facilitate broad public access to information related to the agency’s/department’s decision making and activities.

Collect and maintain the following data at a minimum:

  • Officers’ Use of Force Reports;
  • Supervisor’s use of force reviews;
  • Force investigation findings;
  • Reviews conducted relating to officers’ uses of Reportable Force;
  • All supporting documentation and materials, including:
    • Relevant CEW downloads
    • Supporting audio-visual recordings
    • Any relevant camera downloads, including from body-worn cameras.

Analyze use of force trends and related data systems on a regular basis and to be transparent with these analyses by documenting them in public reports.

The information provided above has come directly from the consent decree language, which can be accessed by clicking on each corresponding city’s consent decree. This information is intended to guide departments on decisions and actions to improve their Constitutional policing practices. Additional resources and information may be needed to implement these recommendations successfully. For assistance in implementing recommendations, contact the Knowledge Lab team.