Recognized for Excellence in Public Safety Research

Jim Burch, president of the National Policing Institute, welcomes users to the Law Enforcement Knowledge Lab

The Knowledge Lab is a first-of-its-kind resource hub that identifies and disseminates evidence-based, innovative policing practices, training, and technical assistance.

The Lab strives to bring evidence and excellence to law enforcement agencies across the country.

What the Field is Thinking

Who We Are

Building Safer Communities through a Commitment to Evidence and Excellence

The Knowledge Lab collects and makes available the many ideas and innovations that could help agencies seeking to improve their ability to protect and serve their communities.

Join us in pursuing evidence and excellence in policing.

police officers in a classroom

News and Updates Latest Announcements

Registration is now open for the Leading Without A Badge Summit for Civilian Leaders in Law Enforcement. The Summit will be held in Charlottesville, Virginia April 12-15, 2025. Early bird registration ends January 31st, 2025.

Join fellow public safety professionals for a summit designed to highlight the role of non-sworn leaders in law enforcement and serve as a unique networking event to exchange best practices and recommendations to navigate organizational culture and make an impact within your jurisdiction. This event will provide actionable insights, practical tools, and invaluable networking opportunities to help civilian leaders navigate the evolving challenges of public safety - designed for and by those serving in executive law enforcement capacities, but in a non-uniformed capacity. Open to all Professional staff/civilian/non-uniformed public safety leaders.

Click here to register 

Registration is now open for the IACP’s 2025 Officer Safety and Wellness Conference which will be held from March 11-13, 2025, in Anaheim, California. It will feature over 60 educational sessions covering the latest research, case studies, and promising practices, providing law enforcement professionals the opportunity to learn from experts in the field. 

Click here for more information

New report from RAND, “Promotions in Law Enforcement - High-Priority Needs for Improving the Process to Identify and Select the Next Generation of Police Leaders,” presents 47 high-priority expert-identified needs to inform the development and implementation of valid, reliable, and fair promotion processes in police agencies. The report identifies needs and offers recommendations developed through a convening and conversations with police practitioners, researchers, and other stakeholders, to discuss how police agencies currently promote mid-level police leaders.

Read the Report 

Empowering Law Enforcement Excellence

A Beacon of Guidance at the National Law Enforcement Knowledge Lab

Explore targeted areas such as crime and violence reduction, use of force accountability and early intervention, and recruitment and retention. Elevate your agency's performance with our guidance and support.