Launch Executive Brief

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Launch Event Executive Brief Knowledge Lab

Monitor Guide

Research Translations


Assessing the Impact of Co-Responder Team Programs


Assessing the Impact of Crisis Intervention Teams

body worn cameras

Body Worn Cameras Lawful Police Stops and NYPD Officer Compliance

Can police de-escalation

Can Police De-escalation Training Reduce Use of Force and Citizen Injury Without Compromising Officer Safety?

Can police shootings

Can Police Shootings be Reduced by Requiring Officers to Document when they Point Firearms at Citizens?


Do Police Body Worn Cameras Reduce Citizen Fatalities


Does Scientific Evidence Support the Widespread Use of SQFs as a Proactive Policing Strategy


Law Enforcement De-escalation Training: A Summary of Research and a Scan of Practice

Preventing the use of deadly force

Preventing the Use of Deadly Force

Reforming the Police

Reforming the Police Through Procedural Justice Trainings