Crime and violence response is the foundation of policing. Crime response strategies in policing are most effective when they utilize an inclusive approach to defining the problems of crime and violence, giving voice to community concerns, and applying the best available evidence-based solutions. Strategies may shift over time as community priorities change and new evidence emerges.

The Lab encourages agencies to consider a holistic approach to crime and violence response that relies on evidence-based strategies that are effective, ethical, equitable, and efficient.

female crime victim pointing a location to police officers

Resources Related to Crime and Violence Response

Visit the Knowledge Lab’s full resource index here.

  • Reset

Report | 2023

Dispatching Community Responders to 911 Calls

  • Crime and Violence Response
  • Community Trust and Partnerships
  • Mental Health and Crisis Response

Guidebook/Tool | 2023

Tactical Response and Operations Standard for Law Enforcement Agencies

  • Crime and Violence Response
  • Response to Mass Demonstrations

Guidebook/Tool | 2023

Coming Soon – Monitoring Police Consent Decrees: An Introduction & Starter Toolkit

  • Crime and Violence Response
  • Community Trust and Partnerships
  • Stops, Searches, and Arrests
  • Use of Force

Guidebook/Tool, Report, Other | 2023

Proactive Police Response to Domestic-Related Repeat Calls for Service

  • Crime and Violence Response
  • Community Trust and Partnerships

Research Brief | 2022

Research Brief: In-depth Training of Police Officers Results in Less Crime, Fewer Arrests, and Improved Community Views Towards Police in Crime Hot Spots

  • Crime and Violence Response
  • Community Trust and Partnerships
  • Stops, Searches, and Arrests

Guidebook/Tool | 2022

Gunshot Detection: Reducing Gunfire through Acoustic Technology

  • Crime and Violence Response

Report | 2022

School Policing Programs: Where We Have Been and Where We Need to Go Next

  • Crime and Violence Response
  • Community Trust and Partnerships

Research Brief | 2022

Reforming the Police Through Procedural Justice Trainings: A Multi-City Randomized Trial at Crime Hot Spots

  • Crime and Violence Response
  • Community Trust and Partnerships
  • Stops, Searches, and Arrests

The information provided within these modules has been gathered from various sources, including consent decrees, research, and practitioner and department-developed resources. These webpage modules are intended to be a guide for departments to use to improve their Constitutional policing practices. Additional information and resources may be needed to implement the recommendations successfully. This resource is intended to be dynamic, and the Knowledge Lab will continue to update and add to these modules to provide additional and current guidance for departments.